Our New Build Developments in Kent

Past developments Present developments

Areas in Kent

Kent is known for being the garden of England, however, the county has so much more to offer than just picturesque countryside! Kent boasts plenty of beautiful beaches, stunning castles and one of the warmest climates in the country. The exciting attractions and welcoming culture make it the perfect location to live. Clarendon is here to help you find your dream new build home in Kent. We have housing developments spread throughout Kent in both rural and urban areas. Below you will find the locations of our current and past developments.

Interested in our developments or have any other questions?

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Why Choose Clarendon Homes?

We have established a reputation for providing high-quality, unique homes in the most picturesque and sought-after locations in Kent.

Fully finished properties with integrated kitchen appliances and flooring

Sustainable and environmentally friendly homes

Superior quality materials and highly specified interiors

Award winning homes

Over 20 years' experience

10 year warranty for peace of mind

All You Need To Know About New Builds

Woman thinking at desk in a light room with windows

The Questions To Ask When Buying A New Build House

When buying a new build house, it is important to be fully informed with everything you need to know. This article will go over not only questions you need to ask your new build home provider, but also questions to ask yourself to help you assess whether a new build home is for you. Questions […]

The front of a new build house at our development, The Brambles

Are new build houses more energy efficient?

New build houses save homeowners on average £2600 in annual energy bills (HBF, 2022). This article demonstrates why our new build homes are more energy efficient than older builds, helping you to reduce your energy bills and running costs…

Council Tax and How It Applies to New Builds

When buying a house, purchasers may be minded to consider how much council tax their new address will incur annually. So, how is council tax on new-build homes calculated on how much should buyers expect to pay?

All You Need To Know About Kent

Countryside view from a property at our Gables park development.

Kent Living

Known as the ‘Garden of England’ and full of rich culture and history, Kent is filled with charming villages, bustling towns and beautiful countryside. But what is it about Kent that makes it the perfect home county for many new homeowners? Conveniently Natural Throughout Kent you will find a mix of busy towns, charming villages […]

Garden view from Kitchen at Weavers park.

How moving to Kent can improve your standard of living

The long term benefits of changing your environment can have a huge impact on your standard of living, and moving to the right new home in the right place may just help you become a more positive individual and lead a happier, more fruitful life. Moving home can often be perceived as a testing time. […]

Why Clarendon Homes build bespoke homes in Kent

Clarendon Homes develop bespoke properties in Kent. In this article we discuss why we chose this southern county, better known as ‘The Garden of England’. 1. Well, it’s the Garden of England Kent has proudly been hailed as the ‘Garden of England’ thanks largely to it’s abundance of fruit orchards, hop production, green land, farms, […]

Success Stories

Our happy customers in their new build Clarendon home
Success Stories

"We felt that Clarendon went out of their way to ensure we got exactly what we wanted."

We speak to new homeowners Helen and George Patterson who moved into their new retirement bungalow at assisted living development Cobnut Park in Boughton Monchelsea…

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Happy new customers standing inside their new bungalow home at Miller's Meadow with a cup of tea
Success Stories

"My family and I recently relocated to a new home by Clarendon Homes, and I cannot praise the exceptional service we received enough"

We spoke to new homeowners Anna and George, who recently moved into their new bungalow at our new Miller’s Meadow development in Sandhurst…

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Contact us for more info

Phone Number 01622 851144
Address Clarendon Homes
Clarendon House
Ashford Road
ME17 1BW