25 Acts of Kindness: National Lego Day | Clarendon Homes

25 Acts of Kindness: National Lego Day

29-01-2024 News

To celebrate our 25th Anniversary we are giving back to the community at a personable level by carrying out 25 Acts of Kindness (#clarendon25). These Acts of Kindness will be directed with the same end goal; to help support and grow our local community. Whether this is volunteering, donating, or supporting someone in need.

For our first Act of Kindness and to commemorate National Lego Day on the 28th January, we donated some Lego to Harrietsham Primary School’s Brick Club! On Wednesday 24th January Alecia and Caitlin took the Lego down to the school to hand over to Mr Gambell, the Acting Head of School (pictured).

Harrietsham Primary School head of school stands one side as two members of Clarendon Homes hands over some Lego on the other. The school reception room is bright
Alecia and Caitlin handing the Lego over to Mr Gambell

To find out more about our 25th Anniversary, visit our Celebrating 25 Years news story. We will also be posting updates about the various acts we complete throughout the current year on our website and social pages.