Interior Design Tips For Your New Build
29-01-2016 Blog
Making a new build feel like a home might seem like a challenge, but you just have to see the house as a blank canvas, waiting for you to put your stamp on it.
Have confidence in your ideas. The worst thing you can do is give up on an idea half way through – visualise what you want and be single-minded in making it happen. A useful tip to achieve this is to take inspiration from a design you like and are familiar with. It makes decorating much simpler and stress free. Collect ideas online or in magazines, and make a scrap book of ideas as a short list. Or, if you’re more social-media savvy, put together a Pinterest board of images and ideas that you like. Make a collection over time, don’t rush in finding all of your ideas at once.
Planning is key when designing and decorating. No one wants to find themselves in a situation where they’ve found the perfect piece of furniture only to discover that they don’t have enough money for it, or the non-refundable corner cabinet they’ve ordered online wont fit into the space. Doing the leg work beforehand will drastically cut down on the likelihood of encountering an unpleasant surprise along the way.
You must also break down the project down into its components– flooring, furniture, paint, accessories and décor. Have a look at prices of a mixture of these components to get an idea of how much they are going to cost you.
Once you are ready to go – again, don’t rush. Don’t decorate everything at once. One of the biggest interior design mistakes you can make is to take on too many redesigning projects at once. Although it’s tempting to want to get all of the decorating done at once, doing it slowly will have a better impact on your finances, as well as the finished result. Start with the room you are most likely to use all the time.
Anchor the room with furniture. Furniture is a wise place to spend your money because most likely it will last a long time, and it can define a room with just a glance. Once you have the main bulk of furniture you will only need to add the finishing touches to bring the room together.
Finally, make sure you consider re-using what you already have. You might find with a lick of paint something you thought was tired can be transformed. Try reupholstering some old chairs and add a few new cushions – they will look as good as new, and you can make them fit in with your new home.
If you are interested in new build homes in Kent, contact us today!